Advisory Council

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the State of Michigan regard the involvement of communities and the development of a stewardship ethic as vitally important to successfully protect sanctuary resources. One key way to achieve this involvement is the formation of sanctuary advisory councils.

A sanctuary advisory council is a community-based advisory group consisting of representatives from various user groups, government agencies and the public at large. The role of the council is to provide advice to the sanctuary superintendent on the designation and/or operation of a national marine sanctuary.

The Thunder Bay Sanctuary Advisory Council (council) was established in 1997. The council has fifteen members and fifteen alternates, five seats represent local community governments, and the other ten represent facets of the sanctuary community, including education, research, fishing, diving, tourism, cultural resources, economic development, and the community at large.

The council meets bi-monthly, with informal coffees and lunches scheduled for non-meeting months. Working groups meet as needed. The fifteen alternates also take an active role in council meetings as well as assist in carrying out many volunteer assignments throughout the year.

Recruitment for Advisory Council members occurs as seats become available. For more information, please visit our Council Recruitment page.

Thank you for your interest in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. If you have any questions, contact the SAC Coordinator by email or by phone at (989) 884-6208.

We invite you to check this website for information on upcoming council meetings and hope that you can join us!


Advisory Council Directory