O.E. Parks

Vessel Type: Motor: steam barge
GPS Location: N45°03.114' W83°10.527'
Depth: 62 feet
Wreck Length: 134 feet
Beam: 28 feet
Gross Tonnage: 393
Cargo: Pulpwood
Launched: 1891 by James Elliott in Saugatuck, Michigan
Wrecked: May 3, 1929
Description: O.E. Parks departed Sault Ste. Marie bound for Alpena with a cargo of pulpwood when it encountered heavy seas and snow. When water began entering the hold an SOS message was sent out and crew from the Thunder Bay Island Life Saving Station rescued all on board.
The lower bilge survives from shaft log at the stern to the bow, with large rider keelsons and stanchion braces in place. The port side is located to the south of the main wreckage. Two cylindrical metal drums, probable fuel tanks, are located astern of the wreck near a large metal hogging truss.
Great Lakes Maritime Collection digital archive: http://greatlakeships.org/2906724/data?n=1