Newell A. Eddy

Vessel Type: Sail: three-masted schooner barge
GPS Location: N45° 46.885’ W84° 13.817’
Depth: 168 feet
Wreck Length: 242 feet
Beam: 40 feet
Gross Tonnage: 1270
Cargo: Grain (wheat)
Launched: 1890 by Frank W. Wheeler & Co. in West Bay City, Michiga
Wrecked: April 22, 1893
Description: Newell A. Eddy was a large three-masted schooner barge typically towed by steamer Charles A. Eddy in an arrangement referred to as “the consort system.” The pair worked across the lakes in the grain trade. On an early season trip in 1893, Newell A. Eddy broke free from its consort during a strong storm as they rounded the Straits of Mackinac bound for Buffalo, New York, with a cargo of wheat. Unpowered and fully loaded with cargo, Newell A. Eddy was swallowed by the storm with all hands off Cheboygan. Discovered in 1992 with masts still standing and its hull completely intact, the remains of Newell A. Eddy are now a popular dive site.