James H. Hall

Vessel Type: Sail: wooden three-masted schooner
GPS Location: N45°03.444' W83°25.764'
Depth: 6 feet
Wreck Length: 91 feet
Beam: 22 feet
Gross Tonnage: 100
Cargo: Lumber (81,000 feet of hardwood)
Launched: 1885 by Hanson and Scove in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Wrecked: November 6, 1916
Description: James H. Hall was attempting to enter Thunder Bay River when it swerved and ran into a stone crib on the south side of the river. The wreck was left in place until 1989 when a local historic preservation group refloated the historic craft to a safer location. The wreck currently rests in seven feet of water in front of the Alpena Yacht Club and consists of a lightly constructed lower bilge approximately 56 feet in length. The bow is entirely absent, a result of earlier dredging operations.
Great Lakes Maritime Collection digital archive: http://greatlakeships.org/2906147/data?n=1