Vessel Type: Barge
GPS Location: N44°35.171' W83°18.686'
Depth: 10 feet
Wreck Length: 240 feet
Beam: 34 feet
Gross Tonnage: 1,039
Cargo: Lumber
Built: 1859 by Mason and Bidwell, Buffalo, New York
Wrecked: September 29, 1872
Description: The barge Detroit went ashore near Greenbush, Michigan, during a storm. It was raised a few weeks later by means of chains and pontoons, but while under tow two of the chains parted and a third cut the ship in half, leaving it a worthless wreck. A large portion of wreckage, 126 feet in length, comprises 69 double frame sets. Three bilge keelsons strengthen the hull on either side of the central structure. Nothing above the turn of the bilge remains.