F.T. Barney

Vessel Type: Sail: two-masted schooner
GPS Location: N45°29.150’ W83°50.550’
Depth: 160 feet
Wreck Length: 160 feet
Beam: 26 feet
Gross Tonnage: 254
Cargo: Coal
Built: 1856 by W. Cheney at Vermillion, Ohio
Wrecked: October 23, 1868
Description: On October 23, 1868, F.T. Barney collided with another schooner off Presque Isle when in transit between Cleveland, Ohio and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. F.T. Barney and its cargo of coal sank in a matter of minutes. No lives were lost.
Like many of the schooners lost in the deeper waters of Lake Huron, F.T. Barney is almost completely intact. It rests upright in 160 feet of water. Because F.T. Barney settled slowly, it sustained only minor damage; divers visiting the site can see its intact stern cabin, erect main mast, and cargo hold full of coal. One of the best preserved shipwrecks in the Great Lakes, it was the first shipwreck in Lake Huron placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Great Lakes Maritime Collection digital archive: http://greatlakeships.org/2896358/data?n=1